Tuesday, October 26, 2010

21 - Dick Trumpet

For those of you who care or noticed, I'm sorry it's been so long since I made a post. I literally had nothing interesting to say.

Time for more party stories!

Tanner and I brought our friend Erik to Calgary to party with our Cochrane friends on Saturday. We had no trouble finding the house, but I was worried that it was the wrong house when a girl that I didn't know answered the door.

"Uhh... is Garrett here?"
"Taylor's friend?"
"They're downstairs."

It wasn't long 'till everyone had shown up and we were playing a drinking game called "horse race" or something like that. The game basically involves the four ace cards racing each other by moving forward for every card drawn that matches its suit. I had the pleasure of naming one of the cards "Dick Trumpet." And for the record, Dick Trumpet won both games!

Sadly, I don't remember much from that night, except going into the washroom and puking all over the place. I threw up over the side of the toilet and onto the floor a bit. I vaguely remember using the toilet paper to clean up the mess. I don't remember if I cleaned it all though. I do remember accidentally putting my knee in it, which was pretty gross. As I left the washroom, I noticed that I got quite a bit of vomit on my shirt. I ran to where everyone else was, and briefly announced what I did. From then on, I don't remember shit.

I woke up at 9:30 on a couch with my shirt off, and my glasses missing. After putting on my shirt, I noticed that the puke on the front of it looked a bit like dirt. I walked around the house, searching the washrooms and tables for my glasses, but couldn't find them. I was a bit worried, but I went back to the couch to sleep. I found the glasses right beside the couch. I must have puked on my glasses too, because they were extremely dirty and smudgy.

Nothing else really happened, except I remember having coffee with the girl who answered the door from earlier, and I recall telling her the stories of my missing poo and the Dominican. Jared had slept in his car while smoking that night, and Corey was sleeping under the table for at least an hour while we were drinking. And I went home with puke on my glasses, shirt, and knees. Good times.

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